Family workspaces, baby changing rooms and nursing rooms
Family workspaces, baby changing rooms, nursing rooms
There are several rooms at the University where parents who spend time at the University with their children can go to have some quiet time or see to their children’s needs.
Location of family workspaces
Erlangen | Nürnberg |
Universitätshauptbibliothek Erlangen
Schuhstraße 1a, 2. OG Access: |
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lange Gasse 20, Room 3.118 Access: |
Kochstraße 6a Access: |
Südgelände Erlangen
Erwin-Rommel-Straße 60, Room 0.231-119 Access: |
Location of baby changing rooms
Erlangen | Nürnberg |
Kochstraße 6a Access: |
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Fachbereichsgebäude Access: Ludwig-Erhard-Gebäude Access: |
Mensa Erlangen Süd
Mensa Süd Access: |
Campus Regensburger Straße
Regensburger Straße 160 Access: |
Theologisches Seminargebäude
Kochstraße 6 Social room (Sozialraum) and FSI-room can be used as diaper changing possibility Access: |
Universitätshauptbibliothek Erlangen
Schuhstraße 1a, 2. OG Access: |
Informatik-Hochhaus in der Martensstraße
Martensstraße 3 Access: |
Department Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik
Cauerstr. 7/9 Access: |