Extension for physicians
Extension for physicians following on from parental leave
Physicians who are under a training contract are entitled to have their employment contract extended if they were on maternity or parental leave.
- According to the Act on Fixed-Term Contracts for Doctors in Training (Gesetz über befristete Verträge mit Ärztinnen oder Ärzten in der Weiterbildung, ÄrzteBefG), physicians are entitled to have their contract extended to make up for periods in which they did not work either because they were prohibited from doing so (maternity protection) or because they took parental leave. The date of termination of the employment contract is delayed by the respective period of time.
- Those affected are entitled to request an extension to their employment contract from the employer, limited to this time period. The employer must agree to a extension to the contract even if the corresponding funding or positions are not available.
Exact wording of provisions in Act on Fixed-Term Contracts for Doctors in Training.