The daycare and kindergarten places listed here are regular childcare places for children of students and staff at the University and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen.
A total of 104 daycare places are available to staff in institutions run by the University’s partners. 16 of the places are reserved for children of staff from various collaborative research centers within the F³G consortium.
A total of 64 daycare places are available to students.
The places are for full-day childcare, but they can be converted into half-day places upon request.
Age group: usually 12 months to 6 years Allocation of places: after receipt of registration and waiting list,
in Erlangen, registration takes place via the Kitafinder of the city of Erlangen
in Nuremberg, registration takes place via the Kita-Portal Nuremberg
In Fürth, registration is decentralized at the respective daycare centers
Determined individually by the daycare centers
Childcare costs can be covered by the youth welfare office if necessary
Please note!
When registering via the central registration platforms in Erlangen and Nuremberg, please note the information provided by the facilities themselves. In particular, please state your company affiliation (FAU and/or F³G) when registering. This is necessary so that you can be assigned directly by the facility managers.