Holiday childcare programme
Dear parents, dear children,
While a lot of children can barely wait for the holidays, it can be more of a challenge for parents.
How can you juggle working or studying with family commitments if your daycare facilities, school and after-school club are closed?
Holidays? Take them in your stride with us by your side!
The Family Service offers reliable childcare in most of the school holidays. The holiday childcare programme is available to children of staff and students at FAU and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
Holidays are boooring….. Not with us!
An exciting time for all is guaranteed with a varied mixture of sporting and creative activities, fun outside, trips, and various workshops, for instance a circus or film workshop. Thanks to our KinderUni partnerships, children can gain insights tailored to their age and stage into a wide range of different educational subjects, for instance nature, mathematics and technology (e.g. 3D printing and Lego Mind Storms), the arts (e.g. theater and art projects), Earth and the environment (e.g. visiting the Botanical and Scented Gardens in Erlangen), health (e.g. self-defense and dance) or languages (e.g. LEOlingo).
Holiday Childcare Programme at a glance:
For whom?
Our holiday childcare programme is aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 14 (age range varies depending on the holidays, for example childcare is only offered for children between the ages of three and six in the summer holidays).
Erlangen: Herbst-, Faschings-, Oster-, Pfingst- and Sommerferien (Autumn, Carnival, Easter, Pentecost and Summer Holidays)
Nürnberg: Oster-, Pfingst- and Sommerferien (Easter, Pentecost and Summer Holidays)
Fürth: as announced nearer the time
Erlangen: FAU Sportzentrum, Gebbertstraße 123b or Wirtschaftsschule Erlangen (W.i.R.), Artilleriestraße 25 or as announced
Nürnberg: City Center, Studentenhaus des Studierendenwerks Erlangen-Nürnberg, Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1 or as announced
Costs? Please refer to the entries on the specific holidays for details of times and costs.
Who? Students from FAU trained by the Family Service who have experience in caring for children look after your children.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Annika Knoop, Ann-Kathrin Valle and Milena Mühlmeister with holiday childcare team